Local markets - Flea markets
Trade fair/Congress

From October 20 to 22, the 12th edition of the Market Market Fair will take place in the Plaza de las Glòries in Barcelona. This event is a celebration of local markets, sustainable and proximity food.

For three days, the square will be filled with the most outstanding products from local market traders, who will be joined by local restaurants and producers in the area. There will be a wide variety of workshops, music and activities related to gastronomy and markets.

In the Aula, there will be workshops, culinary demonstrations and presentations. There will also be special activities for children in the Espai Infantil. In addition, each day will feature musical performances for the whole family.

As in previous editions, there will be a space equipped with microwaves and barbecues so that visitors can heat, cook and enjoy fresh meat, fish and vegetables on site. In the food court, delicious tapas prepared by local restaurants will be offered, accompanied by a selection of wines, cavas, beers and other beverages at the bars.

Food purchased at the local markets offers a unique gastronomic experience, as it is characterized by its freshness and quality. The products are usually grown or produced in a sustainable manner, which contributes to a healthier and more environmentally friendly diet. In addition, the diversity of options available at the markets allows consumers to explore authentic flavors and support local producers.

October 20 and 21, from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
October 22nd, from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
Free event
Zip code
Sant Martí - El Parc i La Llacuna del Poblenou
Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes

How to get there



Sun, 26/02/2023 - 14:08
MICHAEL (not verified)

Hello Michael,

The dates for this event are not known yet. If it is celebrated in October again, probably we will know them in July, August or even in September.

Best regards,

Mon, 27/02/2023 - 09:15

In reply to by MICHAEL (not verified)

Hola Mª Angeles:

La edición de 2019 se canceló por motivos de seguridad, relacionados con los disturbios en Barcelona que se produjeron el año pasado. Sobre la edición de este año no se han publicado todavía las fechas, aunque hemos preguntado si realmente se va a celebrar. Informaremos sobre lo que averigüemos.


Wed, 09/09/2020 - 10:57

In reply to by Mª Angeles (not verified)

Debido a que este año 2019 no se hace este Mercat, agradecería me comunicasen cuando sea posible la fecha de cuando se hará el próximo.
Sin más un saludo a “tothom”

Wed, 23/10/2019 - 09:33
Mercè Paradell (not verified)

Hola Mercè:

Como comentas, la edición de este año se ha cancelado, así que lo más probable es que la siguiente no se celebre hasta octubre del 2020.


Wed, 23/10/2019 - 18:45

In reply to by Mercè Paradell (not verified)

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