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World Press PhotoOpening of Territorios del Des-Uso, Irene Bou explores the concept of durability

Redefining the meaning of cable car: A transportation system that offers panoramic views and in which people float in the air in a vehicle that seems to move very slowly, providing pleasant sensations, mixed with astonishment and a relaxed and slightly euphoric feeling.Expo-concurso "Agua" "Afterwork" Thursdays in KosmoBar Opening of the exhibition by Montserrat Sala Albareda

El día del autor SGAE, today and other Thursdays, theater 1,5 €.FC Barcelona Baloncesto - Pinar KarsiyakaFree frozen yogurt

L'Alternativa Hall Didactics, video and seminars at the CCCB

Human topography, opening at 20:00h FC Barcelona Basket - Lokomotiv Kuban Do you remember the movie "Cocktail" with Tom Cruise? Well, more or less: Barcelona final competition of bartenders Barocker

10 € of discount for eating well at homeCusine of restaurants home delivery and a gift from Resto-in and WeBarcelona for you to tryA contest of photography and painting. It is organized by Centro Cívico de La Barceloneta, the topic, "The Water ". You can present your works yet.

The 1, the 3, the 7 ... lacked the 5. Now the Parking Card 5 completes the range. € 57.00 / 5 days (120 consecutive hours) parking in the B:SM network‬.Last days"Little is left to tell (Calvino after Calvino)" (free event)Michael Snow. Sequences (free event)Mexican Lucha Libre Wrestling: family portraits. Photographs by Lourdes Grobet

Our photo-galleries have a new section within the gallery "A different look": "El móvil de Pili Mo". Pili Mo presents photos taken with her mobile phone while wandering around Barcelona. Besides the self-interest of the images, the photos of Pili Mo have a documentary value because sometimes, as in the case of the picture below, the photographed no longer exist.

19º FotoPres la Caixa. Nueva imagen documentalModernidad(es). Arquitectura en Barcelona, 1924-1975 (free event)Eron, Soul of the wall / BARCELONA 2015 (free event)Bajo el cielo andaluz (free event)