
The Glòries Tower is one of the tallest buildings in Barcelona, ​​the third in particular, and since its construction it has become an icon of the Barcelona skyline. The views from its new lookout, located on the 30th floor at 125 meters high, promise to be spectacular, as well as novel. Complete views of the city thanks to the circular shape of the Torre Glòries, which guarantees a 360º view.


The Torre Glòries lookout: from the underground to the sky

Curiously, the visit to the lookout begins underground, where you will find an interactive museum of cutting-edge technology and a floating art installation that fuses technology, art and scientific dissemination, to show Barcelona as a living organism that is constantly changing and transforming.

Glòries Tower lookout

After going underground, you will go up by elevator to the viewpoint on the 30th floor, where, in addition to the city, you will be able to contemplate the Cloud Cities Barcelona installation, a floating work of art by Tomás Saraceno in which you can follow a tour, not included in the price of the tour. normal entrance, to increase your contemplative experience. The route is of medium / high difficulty, and requires a series of clothing requirements and physical conditions that will be checked before starting the experience.

Keep in mind that the viewpoint is not accessed through the main entrance to the building, but from an external entrance to the Torre Glòries.

The Glories Tower Lookout is included in the select list of the World Federation of Great Towers, a list of iconic buildings in the world that includes, among others, the Empire State Building in New York and the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

see buy tickets
Price from
15.00 €
Zip code
Sant Martí - El Parc i La Llacuna del Poblenou
Avinguda Diagonal, 211

How to get there

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