
Ludovico Einaudi is an Italian composer and pianist who trained at the Verdi Conservatory in Milan. Ludovico began his career as a classical composer, but as his musical career progressed, he has incorporated other styles such as pop, rock or folk. The Turin-born artist is one of the most outstanding new age musicians of recent years, both in terms of record sales and the concerts he has given all over the world.

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Candlelight is an exceptional experience that allows you to enjoy concerts by candlelight. These concerts, moreover, are held in emblematic venues in Barcelona. On this occasion, the chords of pieces by Ludovico as Primavera, Fly or Questa notte merge with candlelight in the Colegio Maristas La Inmaculada.

Pianists: Laura Andrés.

Candlelight Program: Tribute to Ludovico

  • I Giorni
  • Le Onde
  • Spring
  • Elegy for the Arctic
  • In Un'Altra Vita
  • White Nights
  • A Mattina
  • Divenire
  • Fly
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Price from
17.00 €
Zip code
Eixample Dreta
Colegio Maristas La Inmaculada, Carrer de València, 370

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