Trade fair/Congress

The Salon Creativa, reference fair in crafts and handicrafts returns to Barcelona from 9 to 12 November in La Farga (Hospitalet) with many new features. In Creativa Barcelona you will find all kinds of materials, tools and patterns with which you can feed your imagination and creativity. In addition to being able to attend all kinds of workshops tailored to all levels and preferences, activities with influencers and experts are held.

The following sectors are represented at Creativa Barcelona: beading, quilting, watercolor, embroidery, creative sewing, decoupage, bookbinding, sculpture, printing, crochet, wool, thread and cotton, lettering, macramé, origami, patchwork, cross stitch, quilling, creative baking, scrapbooking, and some more.

The 2023 edition of Salón Creativa Barcelona

In this next edition, the 16th, more than 150 workshops will be organized, there will be 120 exhibitors displaying more than 5,000 products and it is expected to reach 18,000 attendees.

The Arts and Crafts Show at La Farga de l'Hospitalet expands its presence to more than 8,500 m2. This year Creativa has doubled the number of exhibitors compared to last year and has increased the number of workshops eightfold. Collaboration with radio stations and other media is expected to attract thousands of visitors and further promote the event. Creativity and handicrafts will be the stars of the show.

9, 10 and 11: from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
12: from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Price from
7.00 €
Zip code
Hospitalet de Llobregat
La Farga Centre d'Activitats, C/Barcelona 2 (L'Hospitalet)

How to get there


En instagram hay 1 cuenta de creativa barcelona indicando creativa en noviembre 2022...es cierto?

Fri, 03/12/2021 - 23:24
Beatriz Cruz Sanchez (not verified)

Hola Beatriz:

No sabemos nada, de momento su sitio web sigue sin funcionar y no han anunciado nada en su perfil de facebook. Lo que parece claro es que no habrá edición este año.


Sat, 04/12/2021 - 08:47

In reply to by Beatriz Cruz Sanchez (not verified)

Buenos dias. Me podrian confirmar cuando es la feria creativa en Barcelona? O bien si hay algun otro salon de creativa en España?


Tue, 09/11/2021 - 11:08
Mayte (not verified)

Hola Mayte:

No se sabe si se va a celebrar. Como comentamos a otra usuaria, el sitio web de los organizadores no funciona y su último post en facebook es del 29 de septiembre de 2020. Dentro de un par de días se celebra el Handmade Festival en Fira Barcelona de Montjuïc.


Wed, 10/11/2021 - 08:44

In reply to by Mayte (not verified)

Según indica el anuncio, Creativa es del 7 al 10 de noviembre, es decir, del domingo 7 al miercoles 10.
Es correcto?
En todas las ediciones siempre ha sido de jueves a domingo.
Ruego tengan la amabilidad de aclararlo.
Un saludo,

Wed, 03/11/2021 - 21:44
Montse Zapater (not verified)

Hola Montse:

Las fechas que has visto en nuestro sitio corresponden a la edición de 2019. No parece que se vaya a celebrar una edición este año, porque el sitio web del salón no funciona.


Thu, 04/11/2021 - 09:08

In reply to by Montse Zapater (not verified)

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