Local markets - Flea markets

The 11th edition of the Fashion Solidarity market to benefit the SOS Children's Villages Foundation of Catalunya will take place in the emblematic room Marqués de Comillas in the Maritime Museum , which will change into a great clothing and accessories shop for Solidarity of the brand Hoss Intropia. The BCN City Council has supported this charity project since its beginning and the benefits obtained from the sale of these items with discounts of up to 75%, are destined for SOS Children's Villages, a private and independent international aid organization for children with presence in 133 countries, which was founded in 1949 in Imst (Austria). Hoss Intropia is a Spanish company dedicated to the design, production and marketing of fashion collections for women and accessories. The company, which develops several actions for social purposes, was founded in 1994 by Constan Hernandez and is currently present in 48 countries.

1st and 2nd may: 10:00h - 20:00h
3rd may: 10:00h - 18:00h
1.00 €
Museu Marítim de Barcelona, Av. de les Drassanes s/n

How to get there


Quisiera saber cuando sera el próximo rastrillo en Barcelona ?
El ultimo fue en mayo pero a finales de año siempre hacen otro.

Sun, 11/11/2018 - 09:18
Imma Caballé (not verified)

Me gustaría que me dijeran, ¿ Cuando es el Rastrillo de Hoss Intropia en Barcelona.
Muchas gracias

Sun, 18/10/2015 - 10:19
Julia Sanchez (not verified)

Hola Julia:
El mercadillo tiene una peridicidad anual así que hasta el año que viene no se celebrará el siguien y las fechas no las conocemos.

Sun, 25/10/2015 - 17:53

In reply to by Julia Sanchez (not verified)

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