
The La Casa dels Cants cycle is a series of concerts that take place in the emblematic auditorium of the Palau de la Música Catalana, which focuses on choral and vocal music. This cycle takes place over several months and offers a wide variety of musical genres and styles, ranging from classical and sacred music to contemporary music .

Among the concerts that are part of La Casa dels Cants, you can find the San Esteban Concert, one of the most outstanding events of the cycle that offers a selection of Christmas carols and songs performed by the Orfeó Català choir, one of the oldest in Spain. You can also attend concerts that offer a selection of choral and solo works related to sacred music from different periods and styles; to contemporary music concerts, with the participation of composers and experimental musicians who seek to explore new sounds and forms of musical expression; or to concerts dedicated to an outstanding musician or composer such as Mozart, Beethoven or Bach.

La Casa dels Cants is a prominent cultural event in Barcelona that attracts a diverse audience passionate about music.

see program
Price from
11.00 €
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - La Ribera/Sant Pere
Palau de la Música, 4-6

How to get there

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