
The influential Brazilian artist Alceu Valença, recent winner of a Latin Grammy, returns to Barcelona with his new show "ALCEU DISPOR". Having sold out their previous concerts in Spain in July 2022, Valença will offer an avalanche of hits to the public.

With an impressive career that includes 35 albums and more than 5 million records sold, Alceu Valença fuses the popular sounds of northeastern Brazil with hard rock influences. His poetic ability places him among the masters of Brazilian music composition, influenced by folk styles such as forró, baião, xote or frevo. Iconic songs like "Morena Tropicana," "Coração Bobo," "Anunciação," "Taxi Lunar" and "Belle de Jour" have made him a reference in Brazilian music.

Throughout his international career, Valença has performed in several countries, including France, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, Holland, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Argentina. He has participated in notable festivals such as the Montreux Jazz Festival and the Rock in Rio Festival. In 2017, he performed for a million fans at Copacabana Beach, and in 2019, he performed across the United States and Canada, including New York's Summerstage Festival. In addition to his music, Valença has ventured into literature with the publication of a book of poems called "O Poeta da Madrugada" and into cinema, writing, directing and acting in "Luneta do Tempo" (The Telescope of Time), released in 2016.

In 2022, Alceu Valença sold out his European tour and won the Latin Grammy for Best Portuguese Language Roots Music Album for his album "Senhora Estrada". Now, he returns to Europe with his talented band to offer an unforgettable show, performing songs such as "Anunciação," "Tropicana," "Coração Bobo," "Taxi Lunar," "Pelas Ruas que Andei," "Girassol," "Como Dois Animals" and "Belle de Jour". Don't miss the opportunity to witness this legendary artist live.

8:00 p.m.
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Poble Sec

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