
Barcelona hosts every summer and since 2008, the main celebration of gay pride in the Mediterranean attended each year by more than 380,000 people. Pride Barcelona is a non-profit event, both festive and vindictive in favor of the rights of the LGTBIQ+ collective and offers a careful selection of activities: talks, seminars, cinema, art exhibitions, shows...and during the night, in addition, the city's night bars, nightclubs and saunas hold special parties.

The 2024 edition of Pride Barcelona

Pride Barcelona is organized this year under the slogan "Education in sex-affective diversity: pending subject", with the aim of demanding education in sex-affective and gender diversity in schools.

From July 17 to 21, there will be a series of concerts and cultural and social activities, creating a festive and educational atmosphere. Attendees will be able to enjoy workshops, round tables and exhibitions, as well as unique events such as the "Cursa de Tacons" and the "Pride's Got Talent".

The "Agenda de Visibilitat" will offer activities from June 28 through July 16, including free registrations for various events that promote inclusion and cultural understanding.

This edition of Pride Barcelona promises to be a safe and vibrant space for the LGTBIQ+ community and its allies, proudly celebrating diversity and love in all its forms.

The Pride celebration and the Village

The main activities of Pride 2024 will take place this year on 3 stages located in Plaza Universitat, Passeig de Lluís Companys (Arc de Triomf) and Plaza Catalunya, where the central Village will be located.

The highlight, the demonstration

The most vindictive action of Pride, the demonstration, will take place on Saturday July 20 and will cross the city along the Gran Via to the Arc de Triomf.

See program
Free event
Zip code
Eixample Esquerra
Plaza Catalunya
Passeig Lluís Companys / Arc de Triomf
Plaza de la Universitat

How to get there


Alguien me puede informar donde me puedo dirigir para montar una parada los días del Pride ?

Wed, 31/05/2023 - 12:34
José Manuel (not verified)

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