Local markets - Flea markets

From December 5 to January 7, Barcelona will welcome an expanded edition of Christmas at the Port. This year, the event will expand beyond the Bosch i Alsina pier (Moll de la Fusta), encompassing the Barceloneta, Dipòsit, and Barcelona docks, as well as Pau Vila square. With the purpose of boosting the social and economic dynamics of the neighborhoods near the port during the Christmas season, the festivities will be extended with lighting and activities along these locations. In this way, the Port of Barcelona establishes itself as a meeting point for the city's inhabitants and visitors during the festivities, promoting culture, maritime heritage, and strengthening the ties between the port and the city.

What's new in the 2023 / 2024 edition of Christmas at the Port?

The 5th edition of Christmas at the Port comes full of novelties, these are the 3 most outstanding:



Activity that will be presented during the inauguration and in which you can participate for free every day in the Moll de la Fusta from 11:00 to 14:00 h and from 15:00 to 23:00 h. It is a multi-user virtual reality experience that SX3 has prepared for the Fira de Nadal del Moll de la Fusta.

Light and music show at the Tower of Jaume I

During the lights switch-on ceremony, the new light and music show will be on display at the Jaume I Tower of the Barcelona cable car, located in the Moll de Barcelona. This fascinating event will take place every night at 7: 00 pm and can be seen from the Moll de la Fusta. The show is in addition to the traditional Christmas lighting that covers land, sea and air of this space.

Moll de la Barceloneta
Moll de la Barceloneta

Illumination of other piers

Another of the new highlights is the new lighting of the docks of Dipòsit (Palau de Mar) and Barceloneta (Joan de Borbó promenade), and Pau Vila square to energize the area.

Market of gastronomic products

Next to the Museu de Història de Catalunya, in the Moll del Dipòsit, another space will be installed to enjoy Christmas by the sea: a new market of local gastronomic products called Sabores de Navidad. This market will inaugurate its activities in mid-December.

The inauguration of Christmas in the Port Vell

On December 5 at 6:30 p.m. the Christmas Fair in the Port will be inaugurated on the stage of the Moll de la Fusta. During this event, the musical group BETA del SX3 (Super3) will offer a special performance and present the "Illusions" experience. In addition, performances by the gegants, grallers and bestiari de la Barceloneta bearers, along with the Escola de Músics Big Band, will complete the opening program.


  • On December 5th from 18:30 to 23:00 h.
  • The rest of the days from 12:00 to 23:00 h.

Synthetic ice rink, Ferris wheel and attractions for children

Pista de hielo sintético
Synthetic ice rink

After the success of the previous edition, "Christmas at the Port" will once again feature a 400 m2 sustainable and ecological ice rink. In addition, the little ones will have the opportunity to enjoy attractions such as the traditional carousel, the little train and the pirate ship, along with the traditional 65-meter-high Ferris wheel.

Prices per person

  • Ice rink: 8,50 € (12 minutes). It is recommended to wear gloves, although they can be rented there for 1,00 €.
  • Ferris wheel: 8,50 €.
  • Traditional carousel: 5,00 €.
  • Little train: 5,00 €.

The Pailebote Santa Eulàlia and the Lighthouse of Barcelona

The most emblematic ship of the port, the Pailebote Santa Eulàlia, and the Lighthouse of Barcelona will be decorated and can be visited.

Workshops and activities for children

Grúas Navidad en el Porl
Crane and container game

Once again, as part of Christmas at the Port, various spaces will be set up to promote port and maritime culture. In collaboration with the Port Community, the Port of Barcelona will offer workshops and activities designed especially for children. These will include the opportunity to learn about the work of stevedores when handling containers of goods, discover the trades linked to the port, delve into the world of rowing or enjoy the sea through games.

Christmas market, concerts and informative activities

The Christmas market will once again be the meeting point for the organizations and music schools of the neighborhoods near the Port of Barcelona, which will enliven the stage with various performances. During the celebration of the Christmas Fair at the Port, more than 500 people will participate on the main stage. More than 60 entities, associations and companies linked to the Port of Barcelona will be in charge of the informative and entertaining activities.

Solidarity Christmas

Christmas at the Port will also host the Solidarity Dance, organized by the Port of Barcelona's Sports Dance Section, with the aim of raising funds for La Marató de TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio, dedicated this year to sexual and reproductive health.

Other activities taking place at the Port of Barcelona

  • Harry Potter: the exhibition (from 17 November to 7 April 2024)
  • America's Cup Experience ( from October 31 to December 31)
  • Raluy Circus (from December 1, 2023 to February 11, 2024)
  • International Rowing Trophy City of Barcelona. Real Club Marítimo de Barcelona (December 9th and 10th)
  • Christmas Cup. Club Natació Barcelona (December 25).
  • First swim of the year. Organized by Club Natació Atlètic Barceloneta. San Sebastián Beach (January 1).
  • Fireworks show at the Nova Bocana. Hotel W Barcelona (December 31).

+ Information about Christmas at the Port

Free event
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - Barri Gòtic
Moll de la Fusta

How to get there


El día 24 y 26 de diciembre está abierto todo en horario habitual? De no ser así, que horario tiene?

Fri, 08/12/2023 - 15:43
Pili (not verified)

Es poden comprar tickets regals de la noria?

Sat, 02/12/2023 - 10:28
Sheila (not verified)

Hola Sheila,

Els organitzadors no indiquen res sobre tiquets regal, a més les entrades de les atraccions es compren a la taquilla, per la qual cosa podem pensar que no és possible comprar-los.


Wed, 06/12/2023 - 08:51

In reply to by Sheila (not verified)

El día 7 de Enero funciona la Noria?
Si es así, que horario tiene?

Fri, 01/12/2023 - 18:56
Raul (not verified)

Hola Raul:

La feria está abierta el día 7 y el horario es de 12:00 a 23:00 h. Los organizadores no indican que la noria tenga un horario diferente, por lo que estará abierta durante ese horario.


Wed, 06/12/2023 - 08:38

In reply to by Raul (not verified)

Hola, las fe has de la feria que acaba eL 06/01/2023. ¿Incluye también el 6 o ya el 6 no está la noria/feria

Sun, 01/01/2023 - 16:23
Jerry (not verified)

Buenos días! Dispone la feria de baños públicos ? Y si los hay, hay alguno habilitado para discapacitados? Gracias

Sat, 31/12/2022 - 12:27
Susana (not verified)

Hola Susana:

Lo sentimos, pero no disponemos de esa información, aunque cabe suponer que en un evento de esa naturaleza no solo habrá baños y baños adaptados, es que serán obligatorios, No obstante, por si quieres asegurarte, este es el teléfono de la feria: 60 849 22 56.

Felices Fiestas!

Mon, 02/01/2023 - 10:16

In reply to by Susana (not verified)

Hola Maite:

Lo sentimos, pero no disponemos de esta información. En ningún sitio se informa ni del precio ni de la duración permitida por persona. En el botíon de arriba de + Información encontrarás los datos de contacto de los organizadores.


Wed, 21/12/2022 - 09:48

In reply to by Maite (not verified)

Buenas tardes! ¿Para acceder a la noria hay que comprar entradas con antelación o se compran en el mismo momento?
Y, ¿Suele haber largas colas?
Muchas gracias y un saludo

Mon, 05/12/2022 - 20:36
Ángela (not verified)

Hola Ángela:

Las entradas para la noria se compran en la feria y cuestan 8,00 €, así que en algunos momentos de mayor afluencia a la feria se pueden formar colas.


Tue, 06/12/2022 - 11:55

In reply to by Ángela (not verified)

Sabéis si se puede subir con un carro gemelar de bebé?

Sun, 02/01/2022 - 12:43
Isa (not verified)

Me gustaria saber el precio que tiene subir a la Noria que hay en BCN...
Mil gracias

Sun, 19/12/2021 - 12:30
Maria (not verified)

Hola María:

Subir a la noria del Port Vell cuesta 7,00 €, el horario de funcionamiento es el mismo que el de la feria.


Mon, 20/12/2021 - 09:10

In reply to by Maria (not verified)

me pueden decir si la noria es para todas las edades????

Mon, 13/12/2021 - 11:11
MARIA GRACIA H… (not verified)

Hola Maria:

Lo sentimos, pero no disponemos de esa información. Hemos intentado enviar una pregunta a través del formulario de contacto del sitio de los organizadores, accesible desde el botón + Información, pero parece que no funciona.


Mon, 13/12/2021 - 18:26

In reply to by MARIA GRACIA H… (not verified)

Se indica que el acceso se controlará con código QR pero no dice donde se obtiene . Como lo obtenemos?

Sat, 05/12/2020 - 11:52
Alejandra Amil (not verified)

Hola Alejandra:

Ahora mismo el sitio web de los organizadores no funciona, aunque suponemos que lo están actualizando. En su página de facebook comentan lo del QR per no mencionan como se obtiene. Es de suponer que lo entregarán en la entrada.


Tue, 08/12/2020 - 10:01

In reply to by Alejandra Amil (not verified)

buenas tardes para poder participar como vendedor que tengo que hacer
espero su respuesta muchas gracias

Fri, 23/10/2020 - 16:17
Hector perugachi (not verified)

Hola! Que precio tiene subir a la noria?

Sat, 21/12/2019 - 12:20
Mari Ángeles A… (not verified)

Quisiera saber el horario del sabado 21 de diciembre

Mon, 16/12/2019 - 19:16
Eli (not verified)

Hola Ana,

Aquest esdeveniment comença a les 17:30 h i acaba a les 21:20 h. La informació facilitada pels organitzadors és força limitada i ara mateix el seu lloc web no funciona. L'única referència vàlida en aquest moment és el seu perfil de Facebook (veure botó de dalt de + Informació) i aquí només esmenten que s'entrarà amb QR, però no enllacen a cap sistema de reserva. Es pot pensar que el QR es lliurarà a l'entrada.


Tue, 08/12/2020 - 10:21

In reply to by Ana Soler (not verified)

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