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The Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona is a festival that emerged in 1993 with the purpose of making films directed by women visible and promoting female audiovisual culture. Throughout almost three decades, it has become a cultural space and an exhibition platform committed to the debate on creative processes. La Mostra highlights the importance of the contribution of women in audiovisual creation and addresses the role of festivals in the cinematographic journey. Unlike most film festivals, the Mostra offers a non-competitive alternative, organizing its events in both summer and fall.

About the 2024 edition of the MIFDB

The 32nd edition of the International Women's Film Festival (MIFDB) is organized in two moments: Vol. I and Vol. II. Vol. I, which begins on May 21 at the Filmoteca de Catalunya, presents 46 films in programs such as Film Persistentes, Sara Gómez Retrospective, Cinema out of place, Special sessions, Family sessions and Educational activities. This year, the central theme is how to build habitable cartographies through cinema.

The inauguration highlights the restoration of "Antuca" (1992) by the Peruvian collective WARMI. The programming includes premieres such as "Crowrã" (Brazil, 2023) and "Blackbird, Blackbird, Blackberry" (Georgia, 2023). Notable documentaries such as "The Mother of All Lies" (Morocco, 2023) andTrinh T. Minh-Ha's latest work, "What About China?" (2022) , are also present.

The Sara Gómez retrospective celebrates her legacy in Cuban cinema. In addition, "Cinema out of place" will screen productions by directors such as Isa Luengo and Marina Freixas in various squares in Barcelona. Finally, the special session "Hybridize the language" at the Center d'Arts Santa Mònica will explore new mestizo languages ​​in contemporary cinema.

Price from
0.00 €
various spaces

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