Local markets - Flea markets

The Mercat Gòtic is a reference in Barcelona for collectors looking for antiques and unusual objects. This traditional market, which was born in 1977, is characterized by the professionalism of its 28 exhibitors, who carefully choose the pieces on display. In their stalls you can find objects of decorative, religious and ethnic art, and other types of articles such as old books, coins, old paper, silverware, antique jewelry, old watches, toys, dolls, cameras, old photographs, bronzes, engravings or vinyls.

Another of the attractions of the Mercat Gòtic is that it is located in the historic center of Barcelona, very close to the Barcelona Cathedral. In fact, the market organizes special editions such as Christmas, in which it moves its stalls from Plaça Nova to Avinguda de la Catedral, just in front of the Cathedral and the Casa de l'Ardiaca.

From 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Free event
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - Barri Gòtic
Plaça Nova 1

How to get there

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