
In Bubble Planet the biggest and most amazing bubbles await you to take your imagination to new heights. Get ready to explore an extraordinary planet that will challenge your creativity, amaze you with the magic of science and unleash your inner child.

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Immerse yourself in a spherical universe where you can jump from one immersive space to another, surrounded by countless bubbles that will captivate all your senses. In this unique experience, giant balloons and huge soap bubbles await you for an incomparable sensory sensation. With oversized bubbles, balloons, soap and much more, this sensory universe will give you the opportunity to see reality from a whole new perspective, even allowing you to travel the world with a hot air balloon flight simulator.

Bubble Planet
Bubble Planet

Bubble Planet is a surreal and colorful world created to play and enjoy. Discover ten immersive rooms and live a unique experience that combines the latest virtual reality technology, simulation and optical illusion, creating a magical universe that will challenge your imagination and immerse you in an unforgettable visual and sensory journey.

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Price from
12.00 €
Zip code
Espacio Inmersa, carrer Llull, 119

How to get there

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