
The Bremen Town Musicians (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten, in German) is a traditional tale of the Brothers Grimm, which takes place in Lower Saxony, in the surroundings of the German city of Bremen. The Grimm brothers first published this tale in the second edition of the "Kinder-und Hausmärchen" in 1819, based on the account of the German writer Dorothea Viehmann. It is a very popular story in Bremen and Germany, to the point that in 1953 a statue in honor of the musicians of the story was placed next to the City Hall).


A Donkey, a Dog, a Hen and a Cat flee from their owners who make them work too hard and decide to go to the city where to live better and dedicate themselves to singing and living as musicians. In this adventure they are accompanied by a Cricket. And you already have them here presenting us the musical that they have prepared for us to try to earn a living. The Brothers Grimm tale, of which there are numerous versions, is a hymn against intolerance, exploitation and the obsession of humans with productivity and consumption.

Language: Catalan

12:00 pm
Price from
10.00 €
Zip code
Eixample Sagrada Familia
Teatre Gaudí, Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret 120

How to get there

Metro: L2, L5 Sagrada Familia / L4 Joanic
Bus: 19, 47, H4, V21

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