
The Bach Festival in Barcelona, ​​which reaches its 8th edition this year, is an international festival attended by musicians from all over Europe who perform the music of the German genius in some of the most emblematic spaces of the city, such as the Palau de la Música.

Bachcelona wants to be something more than a concert program and they always aim to enhance the experience, interaction, dissemination and the most recreational aspects of Bach's music with other types of activities like those that have been held : silent film sessions with music by J.S. Bach, or Swing Bach, to dance to Bach's music (filtered through the language of jazz and the rhythms of modern music) in the Sant Pau gardens. In this edition, for example, the collaboration with the Filmoteca continues, where they will delve into Tarkovsky's films in which he used Bach's music as a soundtrack.


see program
Several spaces

How to get there


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