Temporary exhibitions halls

The Virreina Palace is home to the Department of Culture of the City of Barcelona and La Virreina Image Center (Centre de la Imatge). The Virreina organizes temporary exhibitions with free entrance in the courtyard and on the first floor of the Palace. The fundamental idea behind the selection of exhibitions is the picture as a source of knowledge and cultural experience.

This center aims to maintain its own identity in the network of cultural centers in Barcelona not only for its programms but also for selecting formats.

The Virreina Palace

The Virreina Palace was built in a baroque style by Manuel d'Amat, viceroy of Peru between 1772 and 1777. The building was purchased by the city of Barcelona in 1944 and hosted several museums and exhibitions until in 1986 the City Council's Culture Institute settled there. The Centre of Imatge Virreina was founded in 2007.

Opening hours of the La Virreina Image Center 2025

  • Tuesday to Sunday and holidays, from 11 am to 8 pm.
  • Closed during the year: 1st of January, 1st of May, 1st of June, 25th of December and 26th of December.


Free entrance.

Where is it?

Ciutat Vella - El Raval
Zip code
La Rambla, 99 (Palau de la Virreina)
(+34) 933 161 000

How to get there

Metro: L3 Liceu / L1, L2 Universitat
Bus: 59, 120, V13 and Tourist Bus (red and blue routes, Plaça Catalunya bus stop)
FGC:  Catalunya

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