
The writer Francisco Casavella immortalized August 15 as "Watusi Day" in his famous literary trilogy that takes place in 20th century Barcelona. In this trilogy, the protagonist, Fernando Atienza, and his companion, Pepito el Yeyé, believe they have seen the lifeless body of Watusi, a legendary character from the neighborhood, floating in the port of Barcelona on that same day in 1971. This work is the most recognized of the author, whose real name is Francisco García Hortelano, and left other notable novels such as "El Triumph" (1990) and "The Secret of the Parties" (1997).

Francisco Casavella passed away in 2008, and to commemorate what would have been his 60th birthday on October 15, a grand tribute to him and his trilogy will be held. This event is organized by the Barcelona Institute of Culture, Barcelona Libraries and Montjuïc Castle, and is curated by the writer Miqui Otero. The main focus will be a day full of varied activities in the Patio of Montjuïc Castle.

The "Casavella day" will begin with three guided routes through the Sant Antoni neighborhood. These routes will explore Casavella's birthplace, his musical and sentimental connections, as well as the relationships of his novelistic universe with the neighborhood and other similar novels. At Montjuïc Castle, the day will include music by the Yumitus del Pichón rumbera orchestra, an acoustic show by Josele Santiago inspired by the Watusi, presentations of poems by Eduardo Margaretto by Morfi Grei & Raúl Pulido, and performances by Los Perlas and the Biscuit.

In addition to the music, there will be monologues by the performers of the play "The Fierce Games" based on "The Day of the Watusi", readings of fragments of the novel and tribute texts, as well as round tables. Visitors to the Castle will be able to explore an exhibition space with materials related to the world of Watusi and Casavella, and watch videos of the writer in a loop.

10:00 a.m.
Zip code
Sants Montjuïc
Montjuïc Castle, Ctra. de Montjuïc 66

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