
A musical journey to discover a world full of sensations, sounds and melodies that will leave a mark in the auditory and sensory memory of your son or daughter. Because at L'Auditori they want their first concert to be a unique and unforgettable experience.

L'Auditori has managed to create a magical and enriching experience with its program of concerts for babies. This event not only stands out for its innovative proposal, but also highlights the importance of music in the early development of children. By attending this first concert, the little ones have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an environment full of auditory and sensory stimuli that will contribute significantly to their growth and well-being.

Benefits of Music for Babies

  1. Sensory and Cognitive Stimulation: Music offers a wide range of sounds and rhythms that capture babies' attention, stimulating their brains and helping them develop cognitive and sensory skills. The different tones and melodies enhance babies' ability to distinguish sounds, which is crucial for language development.
  2. Emotional Development: Listening to music can calm babies, reduce their stress and make them feel more secure and happy. Soft melodies and lullabies create a calming environment that is critical to their emotional well-being.
  3. Strengthening Bonding: Sharing musical moments with parents and caregivers strengthens the bond between them. Eye contact, movement and interaction during music foster a deeper connection and help build a relationship of trust and love.
  4. Improved Motor Skills: Baby concerts often include activities that invite movement, such as swaying or clapping to the beat of the music. These activities promote the development of gross and fine motor skills, essential for children's physical growth.

Babies also pay admission.

The ticket includes free admission to the Museu de la Música on the day of the concert.

11.00 €
Zip code
Eixample El Fort Pienc
L'Auditori, carrer de Lepant, 150

How to get there

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