Trade fair/Congress

The Mobile Social Congress is an alternative to the Mobile World Congress Barcelona whose objective is to denounce the environmental and social impacts of the electronics industry.

The congress focuses on mobile technology and its impact on society, with a particular focus on social innovation. It brings together experts from different fields, including technology, politics, social entrepreneurship and education, to discuss relevant issues around the use of mobile technology to improve people's lives.

The event includes a wide variety of activities, such as conferences, workshops, round tables, screening of documentaries and presentations of innovative projects. Participants have the opportunity to learn from renowned experts, exchange ideas and network with like-minded people.

In addition, the Mobile Social Congress also promotes inclusion and diversity in technology, which is reflected in the selection of speakers and the topics covered. The congress has been recognized for its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, which is an added value in a world that is increasingly aware of the environmental and social impact of emerging technologies.

The Mobile Social Congress is a must-see event for anyone interested in mobile technology and its potential to create positive social impact. It offers a unique platform to learn, connect and collaborate with people who share the same passion for social innovation and mobile technology.

see program
Free event
several spaces

How to get there

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