
A fascinating journey through history and cultures that transcends eras and borders with the purpose of revealing a universal theme: the way in which human beings have defined themselves and continue to define themselves. An exhibition that invites us to enjoy and meditate on current issues in our society, such as the concept of ideal beauty, the notion of divinity and the exercise of power.

Throughout the world, people have incessantly given life to representations of themselves. These artistic expressions harbor complex symbolism and transport us to the beauty and mystery of the human body through different approaches, from deep stylization to the most striking hyperrealism.

A skull modeled 11,000 years ago

The exhibition brings together pieces from different periods, geographical areas, techniques and materials, and you can find everything from a skull modeled 11,000 years ago to contemporary audiovisual works. Iconic works of ancient civilizations from the British Museum collection are combined with contemporary art from the "la Caixa" Foundation Collection and several important loans from other institutions such as the Prado Museum. All of this, converging in the same space, creates an enriching experience.

General admission allows access to all temporary and permanent exhibitions.
Free for CaixaBank customers, European Youth Card holders and children under 16.

Monday to Sunday and holidays, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
6.00 €
Zip code
Sants Montjuïc
Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8

How to get there

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