Local fiestas

Poble Sec is a popular neighborhood of Barcelona that belongs to the Sants-Montjuïc district and is located between Plaça de Espanya, Avinguda del Paral-lel and Ronda del Litoral. The Poble Sec Festival offers activities of all kinds and for all ages: castellers, giants, correfocs, sardanes, humorous choirs, bastoners, concerts for all tastes, workshops, children's races, lunches, dinners and popular orchestras, and much more. Check the program and choose the activities that interest you or come to Poble Sec and let yourself go.

Most outstanding activities (2024)

  • July 19th
    • Jardins de les Tres Xemeneies
      • 20:00 h: Beginning of the Festival with Parade of the Entities of the Council of Popular and Traditional Culture of Poble-Sec. The route goes from the Plaza Bella Dorita to the Plaza de les Tres Xemeneies.
      • 21:30 h: Reading of the proclamation of the Festival by Castellers del Poble Sec and Cerhisec.
      • From 10:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.: Fiesta Mayor-SEC A SAC dance with "Joan Garriga and the Mariatxi Galàctic", "Sa Pena" and DJ Morralla.
  • July 20th
    • Jardins de Les Tres Xemeneies
      • 20:30 h: Parade with the Patilla Band. Route: Plaza Sortidor, Blasco de Garay, Blai, Nou de la Rambla, Vila i Vila, Plaza de las Tres Xemeneies.
    • Santa Madrona Square
      • From 18:00 to 20:00 h: Plantada de Gigantes in Plaza Santa Madrona, exhibition dance and parade, starting at Plaza Santa Madrona and ending at Blesa Street.
    • Salvadiscos Cultural Association (Plaza de Santa Madrona, 4).
      • From 19:00 to 2:00 h: Dj's and concerts.
    • Blesa Street, 36
      • From 20:00 h to 20:30 h: Arrival of the Giants Parade at Poble-sec.
    • Blai Street, 8
      • From 21:00 to 2:00 h: 12th Cycle of Music Koska Taverna, Vichente Funk 22& Soul Edits (DJ Set).
    • Las Navas Square
      • From 18:00 to 2:00 h: concerts, karaoke and more concerts.
    • Marcelino Esplanade
      • From 19:00 to 2:00 h: Queer Proclamation, Concert Cor Monstruós + Ukelele Workshop, and Dj's.
  • July 21st
    • Sortidor Paral-lel Square
      • From 7:00 to 11:00 h: Poble Sec Race.
    • Santa Madrona Square
      • 19:00 h: Sardana dance by Amics de la Sardana with Cobla Baix Llobrega.
  • July 26th
    • Valeri Powles Square
      • From 18:00 to 20:00 h: Ambient music (low volume for the rest of the neighbors).
      • From 20:00 to 00:00 h: Dj's, Rumba and butifarrada (from 19:00 h).
    • Santa Madrona Square
      • 21-22:30 h: Fire demonstration + brotherhood dinner.
    • Jardins de Les Tres Xemeneies
      • From 18:00 to 2:00 h: Dj's and concerts.
    • Tapioles Street
      • From 18:00 to 19:30 h: Poetry, a Drag King Cabaret and concerts.
  • July 27th
    • Plaza de las Navas
      • From 19:00 to 20:30 h: Children's Correfoc. Route: Navas Square, Bóbila Street, Mare de Déu del Remei Street, Font Honrada Street and Santa Madrona Square.
      • From 22:00 to 22:15 h: Fire show.
      • From 22:15 to 23:30 h: Adult Correfoc. Route: Navas Square, Bóbila Street, Mare de Deu del Remei Street and Lleida Street.
    • Sortidor Square
      • From 21:00 to 23:30 h: Tabalada that will pass through Sortidor Square, Blasco de Garay street, Blai street, Ocellets Square, Paral-lel Avenue, Jaume Fabra street and Navas Square.
  • July 28th
    • Three Xemeneies Park
      • 22:00 h: End of Festival with Fireworks Castle.
See the program
Free event
Poble Sec
Poble Sec

How to get there

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