
The Setba Foundation collaborates with the Pasqual Maragall Foundation in this exhibition by Roser Oduber, dealing with forgetfulness and memory loss. The origen of the title comes from a personal experience of the artist and the response of her doctor when she asked him, how he could know if she had Alzheimer for certain memory lapses that she had suffered. The doctor’s answer was: when you get lost in the forest, I'll do a test with you. This phrase, addressed to a person who lives in the woods for more than twenty years, was the trigger for further reflection by Roser Oduber and the start of creating works that express this uneasiness. The exhibition is organized in three parts (roads, networks and Gretel), also aims to encourage the contact with nature and the respect for the environment.

Monday to Friday from 10 a 14h and 16:30 a 20h.
Saturday 10 a 14h
2.00 €
Fundació Setba, Plaça Reial 10, 1º 2ª

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