
Món Llibre is a literary festival dedicated to children's and young people's literature held annually in Barcelona. Organized by the Barcelona City Council, the event transforms the city into a meeting place for children, young people, families and book lovers. During the festival, various activities such as workshops, storytelling, book presentations and interactive shows take place, all focused on encouraging reading and the love of books from an early age. Món Llibre offers a platform for authors, illustrators and publishers specializing in children's literature, promoting creativity and learning through reading. It is a cultural celebration that turns the city into a great literary playground for the youngest.

About the 2024 edition of Món Llibre

The Món Llibre 2024 festival in Barcelona will offer a varied and interesting program. Highlights include performances of "Akampeoníssim," a puppet play that promises to entertain the whole family, and "El Petit Univers," a sensory show aimed at babies. In addition, children will be able to enjoy "La Màgia dels Contes", a series of magical tales that will stimulate their imagination, and "L'Univers de la Lluna", an interactive and educational experience about the cosmos. Món Llibre will be held in various venues throughout the city, including libraries and cultural centers, providing an ideal environment for children to discover the pleasure of reading and literary culture in a playful and educational environment.

see program
Free event
several spaces

How to get there

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