Trade fair/Congress

The MAGiC International fair is the largest European show in the sector of the new spirituality that attracts professionals of the most varied Holistic knowledge. Every year the fair brings together more than one hundred exhibitors from different countries, specialized in knowledge and beliefs of all kinds: classes, courses, therapies, beliefs, rituals, personal growth and spiritual development, tarot cards, healthy eating, editorial news, yoga, meditation. , minerals, incense, candles, amulets ... A unique space in Spain, essential for those who want to know the news of the sector and the most relevant figures of the moment.

Throughout the Hall there will be participatory recreational and cultural activities and you will be able to attend practical workshops. In addition, Magic Internacional has a conference room where great professionals in the sector have passed: Charles Berlitz, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Braco, Sixto Paz, Sebastià d'Arbó, Iker Jimenez, Enrique de Vicente, Lorenzo Fernández, Javier Sierra, Jaume Bordas among others, and in which this year they will have excellent professionals.

see program
Price from
10.00 €
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - El Raval
World Trade Center Barcelona, Moll de Barcelona s/n

How to get there

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