Trade fair/Congress

Why do natural materials provide greater comfort than artificial ones? What are the benefits of sunlight? What happens when we are immersed in certain color ranges? How does the layout of a space affect our emotional state? What is the impact of open spaces, visual amplitude and natural landscapes on the learning process? Can we speak of an ethics of well-being and how would it be reflected in architecture?

When design and architecture, accompanied by an ethical reflection, interact considering the aspects that are comfortable for the brain, physiological reactions linked to well-being are triggered.

The architecture of well-being is dedicated to objectively and systematically analyzing, based on data and scientific evidence, how built spaces affect, influence and modify our emotions and abilities.

In this congress, they propose to explore the role of space as a "third master". Together with Ana Mombiedro, Alfredo Corell, David Jou and Siro López, they invite you to dialogue and reflect on the connection between health, well-being, quality of life, creativity and concentration with spaces and materials that are environmentally friendly and healthy for people.

Who is the International Congress on Neuroeducation for?

This congress is aimed at professionals in the field of education, such as teachers, educators, social educators, pedagogues, psychologists, psychologists and those professionals connected to this sector. It is also suitable for anyone interested in the world of education and the current trends of innovation in this field. During the event, you will experience highly practical BrainTalks (lectures), delivered by international speakers and backed by a verified scientific basis.

In addition, there will be a unique opportunity to participate in several BrainNets, dialogue circles with experts in the field.

3:00 pm
Price from
90.00 €
Zip code
Sarrià Sant Gervasi
Facultat de Biologia de la Universitat de Barcelona, Avinguda Diagonal, 643

How to get there

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