Local fiestas

The neighborhood of Sant Antoni belongs to the Eixample district and is bounded by Gran Via, Ronda de Sant Antoni, Ronda de Sant Pau and Avenida del Paral-lel. The festival, which takes place in honor of Sant Antoni Abad, starts the calendar of festivals in Barcelona. In addition to the traditional elements of a Barcelona festival (parade of giants, correfoc, sardana dancing, trabucaires, popular meals), it also celebrates its own activities that link the festival with the celebration of St. Anthony throughout the country: the cavalcade of Els Tres Tombs or the raffle of the piglet, which was recovered a few years ago, are some examples. There is no shortage of other activities: sports, for children, concerts, solidarity fairs, theater, monologues, blessing of pets, book presentations, conferences ..... and events with their own entity as the ReggaeAntoni.

About the 2025 edition of the Sant Antoni festival

From Friday 17 to Sunday January 26 we will enjoy a Fiesta Mayor de Sant Antoni that this year comes with many new features prepared by the organizers and all the entities that make up the committee of the Fiesta Mayor.

Most important activities

Friday 17th

  • Blessing of animals: from 11:00 to 12:00 h / In front of the Escola Pia Sant Antoni.
  • Concert Nibrot + DJ's diabòlics: from 22:00 to 2:00 h. / Marquee (Rocafort street with Tamarit street).

Saturday 18th

  • 21st meeting of exchange of cava plates: from 9:30 to 14:00 h / Sant Antoni Market.
  • 200th Cavalcade of the Tres Tombs of Sant Antoni: from 10:45 to 13:30 h / Route: Avenida Paral-lel, Tamarit, Borrell, Parlament, Ronda de Sant Pau, Urgell, Tamarit, Villarroel, Floridablanca, Ronda Sant Antoni, Plaça Universitat, Pelai, La Rambla (descending), Hospital, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Riera Alta, Ronda Sant Antoni, Manso, Avenida Paral-lel and Plaça Josep Puig i Cadafalch.
  • Proclamation of the Festa Major: 11:00 h / Jardinets de l'Alguer.
  • Starting parade: 11:00 h / Route: Jardinets de l'Alguer, Calàbria, Gran Via, Comte Borrell, Tamarit and Jardinets de l'Alguer.
  • ReggaeAntoni: from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. / Marquee (Rocafort street with Tamarit street).

Sunday 19

  • Galejada de trabucaire: 10:00 h / Route: Conxa Pérez, Tamarit, Entença, Av Mistral and Jardinets de l'Alguer.
  • Habaneras and Cremat singing: from 19:00 to 21:00 h / Marquee (Rocafort street with Tamarit street).

Monday 20th

  • Acoustic Night 2024: from 20:30 to 23:00 h / Marquee (Rocafort street with Tamarit street).

Wednesday 22nd

  • Big Dance for the elderly of Sant Antoni: from 17:00 to 18:30 h / Marquee (Rocafort street with Tamarit street).

Thursday 23rd

  • Dinner of Fiesta Mayor: 20:30 h / Marquee (Rocafort street with Tamarit street) / 24,00 € / Reservations at the Neighborhood Association of San Antonio (Avinguda Mistral, 30) from January 17.

Friday 24th

  • Runner's fair of the Moritz Sant Antoni race: from 14:00 to 20:00 h / Bibs can be purchased on this website.
  • Night of fire and tradition: from 20:30 to 22:00 h / Calàbria Street with Avinguda Mistral.

Saturday 25

  • Runner's Fair of the Moritz Sant Antoni race: from 9:00 to 20:00 h / Bib numbers can be purchased on this website.
  • Craft beer fair: from 11:00 to 24:00 h / Comte d'Urgell between Tamarit and Floridablanca (glass 2,5 €).
  • Plantada de besties infantile: 17:00 h / Jardinets de l'Alguer.
  • Children's Correfoc: from 19:00 to 21:00 h / Route: Avinguda Mistral amb Rocafort, Floridablanca, Viladomat, Manso, Comte Borrell and Plaça Conxa Pérez.
  • AMEBA, electronic night: from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. / Ronda de Sant Antoni with Villarroel street.

Sunday 26th

  • 46th Moritz Sant Antoni Race: 9:00 h / Departure: Comte de Borrell street with Floridablanca.
  • Plantada de las figuras y pandillas del Cortejo del barrio de Sant Antoni: from 11:00 to 11:30 h. / Ronda de Sant Antoni with Villarroel street.
  • Tabalada infernal: from 19:00 to 19:30 h / Route: Mistral Avenue with Entença, Mistral Avenue and Jardinets de l'Alguer.
  • Correfoc: from 20:15 to 22:00 h / Route: Jardinets de l'Alguer, Tamarit, Rocafort, Floridablanca, Comte Borrell, Tamarit and Jardinets de l'Alguer.

Every day

  • Amusement fair: Floridablanca between Entença and Rocafort (from January 10 to 26. Monday to Thursday: 17:00 to 21:00 h / Friday: 17:00 to 23:00 h / Saturday: 11:00 to 14:30 h and 17:00 to 23:00 h / Sunday: 11:00 to 14:30 h and 17:00 to 21:00 h).
Free event
Zip code
Eixample Sant Antoni
Sant Antoni neighborhood

How to get there

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