
The Tradicionàrius is a folk music festival whose new edition, the 37th, starts on Friday January 12 and ends on March 22. The events and concerts take place mainly in the auditorium and bar of the CAT (Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius) and in the streets, squares and markets of the Gràcia district of Barcelona, but occasionally, some events and concerts take place in other towns of Catalonia.

The 2024 Festival Tradicionàrius will start as usual at 8:30 pm with the parade from Plaça de la Vila at the CAT. The percussion group Kabum and the grallers of the Col-lectiu Guirigrall will be in charge of animating the event. Then, in the auditorium of the CAT Tradicionàrius, will take place the show "The voices of CAT" that will tell the 30 years of life of the cultural equipment Tradicionàrius.

See program
Price from
10.00 €
Zip code
Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius, Plaça Anna Frank, s/n

How to get there


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