
Dart is the first documentary film festival dedicated to contemporary art, and a meeting place between cinema and art in Spain and Latin America. Its selection of documentaries focuses on various artistic disciplines and on other fields of art and culture: photography, curating of art, painting, architecture, performance and artistic movements (mainly on contemporary art, paying special attention to artists, their processes of creation and the stories behind their work).

The theme is diverse: biopics, visual arts projects produced for a specific place or time, and exhibitions or relevant events in the history of contemporary art (from the avant-garde emergence of the early 20th century to the present).

The program also includes other educational and informative activities, such as talks, visits to art galleries, exhibitions, Q&A and debates.

Dart Festival is held at various venues and also online at FILMIN.

see program
Price from
5.00 €
Several spaces and online

How to get there

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