
Associació Front Marítim Barceloneta promotes the “Barceloneta is sea” campaign for the preservation of the marine environment. It will be a festive and educational day in which companies, institutions, entities and businesses in the quarter will organize numerous activities related to the sea. There will be sports, gastronomic activities, workshops and musical performances for all audiences. The main objective of the event is social awareness: learn to respect and care for the marine environment.

In the activities programmed to carry out as a family the causes of marine pollution in the global and local environment will be evaluated; the different types of fishing used in the area will be announced: artisanal, trawling and purse seine; analogies between the marine and terrestrial world will be learned; we will study how he lives and how to take care of our marine fauna; and it will be taught how to recycle waste and convert it into reusable products.

"Mar a Fons" and sessions of collection of plastics in Paddle Surf

The CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research) through the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) will announce its project "Mar a Fons", which brings knowledge about the seas and oceans to the educational field through various educational proposals. For its part, Espai de Mar will schedule sessions to collect plastics from the sea in Paddle Surf.

Associació Front Marítim Barceloneta

The Associació Front Marítim Barceloneta (AFMB) is an association that was born with the objective of promoting the approach of its associates to the neighborhood, sharing their problems, reaching out to neighbors and Administration to try to minimize the impact of the concentration of tourists and visitors , and recover public spaces as a scenario of relationship and social integration. Its associates generate about 1,000 annual jobs of which there is a significant number of residents of the Barceloneta neighborhood.

The event has been organized by the Front Marítim Barceloneta Association, and ICM-CSIC, Fundació Baleària, One Ocean Port Vell, Confraria de Pescadors de Barcelona, ​​MB92 Barcelona, ​​Agua y Bestial restaurant, schools, sports centers such as Espai de Mar and Claror participate , commercial establishments of the Barceloneta: Workshops Bcn, Capamar, and Coca Cola among others.

10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Free event
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - Barceloneta
Somorrostro beach (in front of the Club Patí Barcelona)

How to get there

Metro: L4 Ciutadella / Vila Olimpica | Barceloneta
Bus: 47, 59, 136, D20, V21, V27

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