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Wine to poetry and poetry to engraving. Today exhibition opening and book presentation, the 3rd March, wine tasting on the Liberia Jaimes.

A curious event in the Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm of ultrafast talks. It is celebrated on Thursday but if you want to attend sign up as soon as possible

Now you can book with us private tours by car in Barcelona with official guide in multiple languages (1-6 people)

Do you know the free concerts that offer on Wednesdays and Thursdays the Conservatoire of El Liceu?

Chinese New Year in Barcelona

Begin the Celebrations of Santa Eulàlia and the Llum BCN Big Bang Bar, a classic of Barcelona that accumulate a lot of history. Live music of various styles

Mircea Eliade says: "The labyrinth is a magic defense of a center, a treasure, a meaning ... That symbolism is the model of human existence that faces numerous tests to advance to their own center..." And we have that symbolism in Barcelona.

We already know the program of the first great fiesta of Barcelona and its companion, the Llum BCN Festival

Four conference cycle which begins today at the Biblioteca Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall. The new technologies facilitate the operation of many processes but what are the implications and what interests they respond?