
Jordi Socías (Barcelona, 1945) is a self-taught photographer whose interest in photography began with the cinema. He startet his career as a professional photographer in journalism (to which has was linked until 2009) and his work has evolved from social documentaries to portraits. He has participated in numerous movies portraying famous actors and directors, and founded a news agency (API), the iconic graphic agency Cover and helped create the magazine The European. Currently his work focuses on exhibitions and organizing courses, workshops and lectures.

The Virreina Centre de la Imatge shows a selection of Jordi Socías photographs, taken over nearly forty years: portraits and images that tell us about the recent history of a country and many other stories. This is not a retrospective exhibition, but contains representative examples of all stages of his work, including some interesting recent works, in which two apparently unrelated pictures are connected and offer stunning visual interpretations



Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays
noon to 8 p
Free event
Zip code
Palau de la Virreina, La Rambla, 99

How to get there

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