KBr Fundación MAPFRE is an exhibition center focused on photography, which has two large exhibition spaces, a bookstore, an area for educational activities and a multipurpose auditorium. They usually organize two simultaneous temporary exhibitions, in which we can see the works of the most emblematic photographers of the 20th century.

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In addition to its exhibition work, the KBr aims to collaborate with other Catalan institutions dedicated to photography, to get involved in the training of future generations in the understanding of photographic language and to contribute to the international projection of Barcelona from creativity and dynamism cultural.


What does KBR mean?

KBr, in case you don't know, is the chemical symbol for potassium bromide, a salt used in the development process of analog photography. Its main function is to delay the action of the developer in order to prevent the formation of the so-called chemical veil. Thanks to the potassium bromide, the photographs could obtain a higher purity of whites in the image.

Where is it?

Sant Martí
Zip code
Avenida Litoral, 30

How to get there

Metro: L4 Ciutadella / Vila Olímpica
Bus: 47, 59, 136, D20, V21, V27


mi edad es 68, puedo entrar gratis? o , como obtengo la entrada con descuento? quiero ver la exposicion de Eggleston.

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 09:20
leonardo alche (not verified)

Hola Leonardo:

La entrada para mayores de 65 años no es gratuita, pero si tiene precio reducido. No se puede reservar online, se obtiene directamente en taquilla:

Las personas pertenecientes a colectivos con derecho a entrada gratuita (descarga PDF) deberán obtener su entrada en la taquilla de la sala.

(En el caso de gratuidad por discapacidad/movilidad reducida pueden solicitar reserva previa de entrada en el mail: infokbr@fundacionmapfre.org)


Fri, 06/10/2023 - 08:50

In reply to by leonardo alche (not verified)

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