
Ninth edition of the Vespres d'Hivern of the University of Barcelona with the most attractive emerging proposals on the current scene and an intimate staging. We will enjoy four concerts on the four Fridays of February in the Auditorium of the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona. Warm music for cold winter eves in an extraordinary setting.

Tickets are free, but places are limited and it is necessary to get an invitation in advance. Hurry up because they sell out quickly.

The Paranymph of the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona

Another reason to attend the concerts. The Auditorium of the UB (look how wonderful) is the space that best symbolizes the institution, because it represents the idea of ​​University. That is why it is located in the center of the whole construction, and in the center of the transversal axis that connects, on one hand, the building of Letters, and on the other, the Science building, and just above the main lobby. In this room the most solemn acts of the University are celebrated, such as the inaugurations of the course or the investiture of honorary doctors. The space is characterized by exuberance, which contrasts with the neomedievalist austerity of the architectural construction, especially the facade and the cloisters. The surfaces are completely covered with Neomudéjar style decorative elements. The pictorial program is of great importance, in which the historical theme stands out. The set is complemented by allegorical representations, as well as the monarchs that had a prominent role in the history of the UB.

7:30 pm
Free event
Zip code
Eixample Esquerra
Paranimf de la Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585

How to get there

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