
Torre Glòries becomes OKEANÓS during the LlumBCN 2025 Festival, a light installation by Anna Rierola inspired by the Greek ocean titan. It uses satellite data from NASA and ESA to project light patterns that represent marine health, biodiversity and phytoplankton concentration. This visual spectacle travels through global oceans and seas, highlighting the connectivity of the ocean as a single system. The work is framed within the UN Decade of the Ocean (2021-2030), promoting environmental awareness and highlighting the ocean's role in climate regulation.

A Greek titan in Llum BCN

During the days of the Llum BCN festival, visitors to the Mirador Torre Glòries will be able to visit its interior, with special extended opening hours until 24:00 h on Friday and Saturday, and until 21:00 h on Sunday. In addition, this icon of Barcelona has launched a promotion of 50% discount on general admission. Do not miss this opportunity to enjoy the sunset of the city and Llum BCN with the best 360º views from 125 meters high.

9.00 €
Zip code
Sant Martí - El Parc i La Llacuna del Poblenou
Avinguda Diagonal, 211

How to get there

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