
The New Year's Eve Chimes are the short 36-second ritual that precedes the New Year's Eve celebrations. Arriving at 12:00 at night on December 31, it is traditional throughout Spain to eat 12 grapes following the rhythm set by 12 strokes; one for each month of the year. According to tradition, if you don't eat all 12 grapes, you won't have good luck the year that is about to begin. But, where does this tradition come from? There are several theories, but two are the most credible. The first is truly interesting because it involves two countries and a certain class struggle waged with the weapons of satire. During the 80s of the 19th century, the Spanish bourgeoisie would have imitated the French custom of drinking champagne and grapes to celebrate the new year. A few years later, some people from Madrid would have gone to Puerta del Sol to hear the midnight bells and would have brought grapes to imitate the newly acquired upper-class custom, as a form of mockery. The other theory is more prosaic and takes us to Alicante at the end of 1909, when grape growers in the area had surplus harvests. In order to sell the grapes, they would have invented the 12 chimes tradition.

New Year's Eve on the street

Whatever the origin, the truth is that the tradition is deeply ingrained, and in the street, at home or in a restaurant, most of Barcelonians will eat the grapes to the rhythm of the chimes. Then they will continue with the party where they are or they will go to a place or srhythm where New Year's Eve parties are held. When we say in the street, we refer to the srhythm where the greatest number of people are concentrated because tradition dictates it or because the city organizes a show in that place. In the case of Barcelona, ​​that srhythm has been Montjuïc for some years. Around the Magic Fountain there is a great show that culminates with the launching of fireworks reinforced with music and the dancing water of the Magic Fountain.

The New Year's Eve Chimes the year of the pandemic: goodbye 2023, hello 2024

The musical symphony, fireworks, monumental scenery and the most impressive technological innovation will transform the Avenida de la Reina María Cristina into an incomparable setting to say goodbye to the year 2023 and welcome 2024 by the group Groupe F, under the direction of Christophe Berthonneau.

This year,the New Year's Eve celebration will focus on the longing for the New Year, a feeling that manifests itself as hope, vision of a better future and the desire for a better life. The future desires and aspirations of citizens, as well as the imagery of the city, will be represented in a show that combines fireworks, lighting and music, using emblematic symbols and images such as the panot, the profile characteristic of Barcelona, the plot of L'Eixample and modernism. In addition, significant moments that 2024 will bring will be highlighted, such as the Tapias Year or the America's Cup.

Due to the drought decree, unfortunately, the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc will not be able to be part of this show.

From 11:00 pm to 12:15 am
Free event
Zip code
Sants Montjuïc
Avinguda Reina Maria Cristina / Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

How to get there


Este fin de año habrán fuegos artificiales en la plaza España?

Fri, 31/12/2021 - 00:28
Ferran (not verified)

Hola Ferran:

Las campanadas de fin de año en Montjuïc con el espectáculo y los fuegos artificiales se han candelado. No se ha anunciado ningún espectáculo alternativo.


Fri, 31/12/2021 - 07:13

In reply to by Ferran (not verified)

Queda cancelado el espectáculo para este año debido a las restricciones ?

Thu, 23/12/2021 - 11:14
Yuli alejandra… (not verified)

Hola Yuli:

Sí, está cancelado. Esta por ver si el Ayuntamiento organiza un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales como los dos años anteriores, pero si es así, será para ver desde casa.


Thu, 23/12/2021 - 13:34

In reply to by Yuli alejandra… (not verified)

en caso de que hicieran espectáculo o u otras funciones de fin de año, ¿Cuál seria el mejor lugar para verlo? teniendo en cuenta que estará lleno de gente y me gustaría anticiparme para coger un buen lugar y cenar con mi pareja aunque sea con un bocata.....


Mon, 13/12/2021 - 08:24
Javier (not verified)

Hola Javier:

Todo dependerá de lo que se pueda hacer, pero si, como parece, el espectáculo se desarrolla de forma parecida a los años prepandemia, lo ideal será estar lo más cerca de la Fuente Mágica, donde estaréis a su vez más cerca del espectáculo concebido para la ocasión (sería como estar junto al escenario en un concierto). Ahora bien, desde la Avenida Reina Maria Cristina se podrá tener una mejor visión de conjunto, tal como se ve en la fotografía que ilustra este evento.


Thu, 16/12/2021 - 18:08

In reply to by Javier (not verified)

Me ha parecido precioso pero creo que le falta algo esencial : Un reloj.
Puede ser virtual si no es posible poner uno real.
La gente necesita mirar hacia un sitio concreto , necesita ver que está a punto de terminar un año y empezar otro.
Si se pudiera poner uno real ,sería una pasada, y sino en el edificio de Montjuic ponerlo virtual, eso sí , enorme.

Thu, 02/01/2020 - 14:35
Matilde Tardio (not verified)

Aproximadamente 70.000 personas despidieron el año en la Avinguda Reina Maria Cristina.

Fri, 02/01/2015 - 10:37

Approximately 70,000 people in the Avinguda Reina Maria Cristina.

Fri, 02/01/2015 - 10:40

Environ 70 000 personnes dans l'avenue Reina Maria Cristina.

Fri, 02/01/2015 - 10:42

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